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Looking Ahead

June 18, 2009

We had another couple join us for dinner last night. The guys have known each other since flight school, and his wife has become one of my closest friends since we moved to Atlanta. They’re transplants from Texas and are preparing for the arrival of their first baby in November. I think M found it therapeutic to talk to people in the same situation as us. There are rocky times, but when it comes down to it, they wouldn’t be in this career if they didn’t love it (or have the support of their loving wives!). After our company left, M apologized for being such a downer lately.

There are 13 days left in June. That’s it. July is another fresh start. Although he might have unfortunate luck with his schedule, the crew, weather, etc. one month, the next month is a new start under new conditions.

Final schedules for next month come out in a few days. Hopefully it’ll be a good month, if not it’ll be only a few weeks before things get switched up again.

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  1. Cpt. J's Wife permalink
    June 18, 2009 3:46 pm

    J has an amazing schedule for July, but the projections for August and September are in the dumper!! When they are like that he bids reserve so at least he has guarantee pay – but, then he is home ALL THE TIME!! =)Good vibes your way!

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