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Holding Down the Fort

July 11, 2009

The original plan was to accompany M on a trip this weekend that includes a 36 hour layover. This means he finishes flying on Friday night, and doesn’t operate a return flight until Sunday. These type of layovers can either be a lot of fun or a real drag depending on the destination. Mind you, he’s not getting paid for this time, and he’d rather be working or at home with us instead of sitting in a hotel room by himself.

In the past I would have tagged along for moral support, but the dynamics are different now. Poor Little E has been schlepped around enough in the past week (they didn’t back from NY until 9:30 last night) that she’d have a crankfest on the flight for sure.

There’s no chance of sightseeing either. The hotel is located by itself on a highway, and even if we rented a car there’s nothing of interest nearby. Being cooped up in an econo hotel room with a 5 month old infant for 36 hours might be a little intense (ok, probably a lot). To avoid triggering World War III, we both agree my time will be better spent staying at home.

This gives me the opportunity to hit a local farmer’s market I’ve been wanting to checkout. Think I’ll bake some zucchini bread, and maybe muffins if I can get some decent fruit. Haven’t played Suzy Homemaker in awhile. My workouts have been going according to plan all week as well. Looking forward to a nice run tomorrow.

Here’s to a weekend of relaxing at home. Cheers!

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