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July 14, 2009

Tentative schedule for the week of 7/13 – 7/19:

Monday: 7 mi run
Tuesday: 7 mi run
Wednesday: 70 min elliptical, abs
Thursday: 7 mi run
Friday: off
Saturday: off
Sunday: 1 hr run (at the in-laws, no exact course mapped)

We’ll be in NY for Little E’s christening this weekend so Friday, Saturday and Sunday are subject to change. I’ll squeeze in a run at some point on one of those 3 days, most likely it’ll be very early Sunday morning.

A few minor amendments to last week’s workouts: If it seems like my training is a bit willy-nilly, that’s because it is. At this point I’m not too concerned about changing things, as long as I’m doing something reasonably equivalent to what was originally planned.

Friday: 1 hr run w/ jogging stroller at a local park (~6.48 mi according to It was a nice breezy night, and I didn’t feel like being inside.

Saturday: Elliptical 70 mins, abs Worked-out midday during Little E’s nap, it was too hot and sunny to take her outside in the stroller.

I also have one H&F indiscretion confession. My dinner on Friday night was a Chick-Fil-A peach milkshake. I ordered a small, which is still a mind-numbing 720 calories, but it was sooo good going down. I developed a nasty stomach ache afterwards, so I won’t be tempted to order another one anytime soon.

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