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Health & Fitness Updates – Week of 8/24/09

August 26, 2009

There’s not much training to report from last week. The bladder issues and a project at work took precedence during the week.

Then my flight to NY on Friday was delayed for hours, as was my return flight Sunday (actually arrived home at 2 am on Monday morning, then woke up for work at 5). It was draining, and I was just a passenger chilling in the back. No wonder M looks like he’s been through the wringer at the end of a trip.

M and Little E are returning from NY tomorrow morning, so I’m using the quiet time to recover and get the house in order.

Last week’s training:

Monday: off
Tuesday: 7 mile run
Wednesday: 4 mile run, elliptical 30 min
Thursday: off
Friday: off
Saturday: 5 mile run
Sunday: off

P.S.. I went out for a run after I finished writing this. Afterwards, my pee was bloody again after being fine for the past 4 days.

Just thought you’d like to know.

I’m at a loss. I’ve been a runner for over half my life and NEVER had anything like this happen before. Calling for an urology appointment in the morning. Sigh.

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