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Children’s Museum of Atlanta

September 11, 2009

Hello everyone! Now that I’m back in A-town, I’ll hit you with a double update today. Just so you know, I’ve been keeping up with most of you in blogland, even if I haven’t done much commenting. Is there a way to read and leave comments in Google Reader? That’s what I’ve been using lately. Maybe someone can enlighten me.

M scored a pretty good nap line this month. He’s gone a few nights a week, but is home every day, and has a long stretch of time off at the end of the month. With the way his company structures pay for nap lines, his block time is well over guarantee too. Sweet.

After having standard 4-day trips with weekends on, we had time for our first family outing in quite a while. I had heard about the Target Free Tuesdays at the Imagine It! Children’s Museum of Atlanta from a friend, and we decided to check it out after I finished work.

E was too young to do much there, but I think see enjoyed watching the activity around her. We posed her for some pictures and she splashed her hands in the toddler water pond. Taking her out is a lot easier with an assistant baby wrangler. I would have struggled on my own. Anything she could get her hands on went straight towards the mouth, and we had to keep thwarting her attempts at taste tests. M joked about putting her in one of the jungle gyms to see if she could fend for herself and find her way out. Toughen her up a bit. Oh, his sense of humor.

We’ll keep this place on our to-do list for when she’s older. It was cute. Another 2 years and she’ll have a greater appreciation.

I was surprised they didn’t have an airplane to play pilot, but E did get to drive a tractor and a crane. They’re probably more lucrative careers to encourage anyway……

5 Comments leave one →
  1. MrsCJ permalink
    September 11, 2009 2:21 am

    Cute pics! Yeah I hate that I can't leave comments from google reader either. I'll be interested to see if anyone knows how to do that because I usually use google reader from my phone.CJ

  2. Emily permalink
    September 12, 2009 5:03 am

    Aw, too cute!

  3. Jaime permalink
    September 14, 2009 2:39 pm

    Hey! We were there too on Tuesday. We usually just stick to the 2 and under area, but I will have to let her check out some things next month. In August it was so busy, it was hard for us to get anywhere, but Sept was not as crowded. Yeah, it would be nice if I had help. If M is out of town in Oct., maybe we can meet up together.

  4. Runblondie26 permalink
    September 16, 2009 1:51 am

    I was wondering if you'd be there again, but we got there until close to the end of the day and didn't stay too long. New schedules come out tonight so I'll know what's going on next month soon. Even if he's around, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if we had some girls time out 🙂

  5. Runblondie26 permalink
    September 16, 2009 2:27 am

    Poor little Hope (and you). Do you think she picked up the bug there? I know we left with the urgent need to shower like we just went camping for a week. Lots of Purell on the way home.

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