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Training Updates – Mid October

October 23, 2009

It’s been a while since my last training update because there’s nothing that interesting to report. We’ve had a LOT of rain in Atlanta the past 2 weeks. With M on 4 day trips this month that means most of my training has been relegated to the elliptical. I’ve done the exact same workouts for the past 2 weeks. I’ve tried to make the most of my runs the few days I was able to make it out.

Monday: off
Tuesday: 8 mile run (8:10/mi pace)
Wednesday: 4 mile run (7:40/mi pace), 30 min elliptical
Thursday: pilates dvd, light weights
Friday: off
Saturday: 70 mins elliptical
Sunday: 70 min elliptical

Baby girl and I are headed to NJ this weekend for a quick trip to see my parents. Grandma can’t wait take her little sweet pea to the pumpkin patch. She’s been talking about it for weeks.

The half-marathon is next weekend. Nope, haven’t done a run over 8 miles in preparation. I’m not worried about finishing, but all bets are off as to how fast (slow) I’m going to run. My overall weekly mileage has been light, so I don’t want to go in with any expectations. I’m just going to have fun with it. It’s all about setting new benchmarks at this point.

If you take a look over at the sidebar, I’ve updated it some pictures from our trip to Amicalola Falls this past week…

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Cpt. J's Wife permalink
    October 25, 2009 3:51 pm

    Love your pics! You have a gorgeous family. Maybe we can meet you in the Keys come April =)

  2. Runblondie26 permalink
    October 30, 2009 12:57 am

    Aw, thanks 🙂 They get a lot more Florida flying in the winter. I'll be on the lookout for a long MCO overnight on his schedule…maybe we can get together then too. Could you handle the cuteness if we got both our kiddos in the room together? lol

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