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Ups and Downs: Week in Review

November 29, 2009

Last week ended with some sad news. M’s uncle passed away suddenly from a heart attack. We made the solemn trek up to NY to attend the funeral. M’s dad passed when he was very young, so he was especially close to this uncle. He’ll be greatly missed.

From NY, we continued on with M. He met up with the crew and started his 3-day trip as planned. This trip couldn’t have come at a better time to refresh our spirits.

M never gets overnights like this one. We had a full day on the beach and a nice dinner out. M got to surf fish in the morning, and I got to run on the beach. We had a nice brunch at the hotel before leaving.

The transportation company sent a white stretch limo to pick up the crew at the hotel (all the vans were being used to shuttle cruise ship passengers). We’re talking senior prom style. It was funny at first, but they were embarrassed to roll up to the airport in it. Two pilots getting out of a stretch limo…totally against the image they want to be portraying to the public.

Did I mention he never gets overnights like this?

My parents came to Atlanta for Thanksgiving. They came last year too, but this was our first time hosting a true Thanksgiving at home. Not in an apartment, not in a crash pad. In our house. I got to break out the dishes, utensils, etc. that we received as wedding gifts, but never had a reason to unpack.

As grown up as that made me feel, I still let my mom run the show in the kitchen. The turkey intimidates me. However at my suggestion we did try something new, and followed Alton Brown’s Roast Turkey recipe to brine and roast the turkey. It was so good, we’ll definitely be doing it again next year.

Last but not least, my procedure was a no-go. After spending 2 hours in pre-op hooked to an IV, it was cancelled at the last minute. I’m still very upset, so that’s all I’ve got to say about it for now. I just want to get this over with already. My doctor said the stone’s location makes it unlikely that it’ll pass on it’s own. It sure as hell better not. I’m still waiting to hear from the doctor on a new surgery date.

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