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Kitchen Contradictions

January 17, 2010

I have good intentions when it comes to feeding my family. However taste convenience, and price are also influential factors. Which brings me to this list. The irony in some of my choices:

* I always choose whole grains, brown rice and sweet potatoes instead of white…but when it comes to salad only iceberg lettuce will do

* I buy organic chicken and wild caught salmon for dinner…..but often eat sliced deli meat and canned tuna for lunch

* I avoid refined sugar whenever possible….but have no problem dumping a few packets of splenda into my plain yogurt

* I drink at least 64oz of plain water a day….but I also drink about 20-30 oz of black coffee every morning

My friends got me thinking about this recently. They’ve started milling their own organic grain to bake into homemade bread. One loaf lasts 2-3 days. They keep trying to sell us on how much healthier it is and how we should be doing it too.


Maybe in a perfect world. We’re lucky I have time to get to the store to buy a loaf of bread. My store bought Ezekial bread will have to do. However, I will grind my own almond and peanut butter so I can get it in it’s purest, freshest form.

So what do you make a priority when it comes to choosing foods? Where do you cut corners or contradict yourself?

4 Comments leave one →
  1. Meredith permalink
    January 18, 2010 2:47 am

    Cute blog!!! This is the former "Savannah Banana" blog … you can find me now at 🙂

  2. -SPW permalink
    January 18, 2010 8:58 pm

    I think that these things are cumulative… So even if you do better half the time, Its much better than never doing it at all. Give yourself a break, its hard (and expensive) trying to go organic!One thing I have thought about though – My hubby and I used to be very selective about what we fed our daughter… giving her all the organic stuff, and eating the other stuff ourselves (since we are on a tight budget)… then one day I realized…the way I feel about my daughter yet felt about myself was kind of contradictory…I said to hubby "you know, I am someone's daughter too…. if I was my mother I would want me to eat better". So we budget a little more on other stuff, and try to eat more organic ourselves now. LOL…

  3. Sunshine permalink
    January 18, 2010 11:07 pm

    Found your blog on runner's world! I still struggle with choosing foods for my family. My husband eats like a cow so it's difficult to stock up on produce and meats bec they get expensive. I buy some organic, but not all. Like you, we eat a lot of sweet potatoes and brown rice…yogurt (the cheap kind, I don't worry about the "good" stuff here)…but honestly, it's a battle I am still fighting! I hope to come to a place soon where I feel good about the food we buy/eat.

  4. Katie permalink
    January 25, 2010 3:39 am

    Here's a confession…I refuse to drink dairy milk but I eat cheese like it's my job. I can't explain it. And Cheetos…well, I've recently broken the habit, but for a while, I was eating them. A LOT. We have lots of contradictions though…I use Splenda in my tea but evaporated cane juice on my morning grapefruit. I extol the virtues of eating clean, but I sometimes enjoy some Morningstar fake meat. I try to cook at least 5 nights a week, but sometimes all I want is to order pizza. I'm pretty OK with it all…but I hate trying to explain it to my mom.

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