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Mom’s Night Out

January 21, 2010

It ain’t easy being blonde.

Just like everything else, it’s taking more effort every year. I went from popping in a few face framing highlights during the winter in my late teens and early twenties, to needing full highlights every 3 months. Since having E, the texture of my hair has changed as well. It’s growing in with a slight wave now. SIL warned me this happened to her. But just like going up half a shoe size after pregnancy, I brushed it off as another thing that certainly wouldn’t happen to me.

I always have to coordinate my salon trips around M’s schedule. So after this latest boys weekend, it was my turn for a treat. I spent the evening getting a cut, color, mani, and pedi.

I’m probably the only customer that warns the pedicurist not to make my feet too smooth. It took a lot of work to make my feet this ugly. Make them too pretty, and I’ll end up with blisters again on my next run.

It felt good to get a little TLC. I’ve been feeling so raggedy lately. I remember when mani’s and pedi’s were a weekly thing. Oh sweet memories. Having the time for that seems so distant now.

Of course I came home to a disaster. Sink full of bottles, toys everywhere, M asking me what’s for dinner. Um, the food I left for you in the refrigerator with instructions on how to reheat. Anywhoooo, seeing E smiling up at her daddy helped defuse the situation. How could I get mad at him when he was on the floor playing with his little girl?

He redeemed himself later by helping me with the chores after E went to bed. And he told me he liked the thing I did with my hair.

He means well. I gotta love him 🙂

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